Grant Writing FAQ
Owen Consulting Inc. can help you find and write competitive grants if your non-profit organization/ for-profit company is eligible for funding:
We've won numerous six, seven, and eight-figure, multi-year government grants and smaller foundation grants for our clients. Our team collectively has won over $450,000,000 in funding for clients.
We can pursue and respond to funding opportunities across the US / nationally, and internationally.
We can conduct prospect research to identify foundations / government funding opportunities that align with your organization's mission / products and services. Rates start at $4k for this service.
We can help you determine whether you're eligible and/or competitive for an RFP - we will not take on a grant writing project for which we don’t think your organization is competitive.
We can write foundation and/or government grants (City, State, Federal) if your organization/company is eligible for them.
We can take on all elements of a grant writing project or discrete pieces based on your needs and budget (Narrative, Budget, Budget Narrative, Submission on, etc.)
We usually/prefer to bill by project, occasionally we will bill by the hour. WE DON’T WORK ON COMMISSION.
For private foundations grants and letters of interest (LOI) our rates start at $2k but vary depending upon the grant/LOI.
For government grants our rates start at $7k but vary depending upon the RFP, deadline, and how much we’re doing / your organization is doing for the project.
Note that If you are a relatively new non-profit organization with volunteer staff and small capacity/ no track record yet we recommend you partner with a larger organization that can ‘incubate’ yours for a year or more before you pursue government funding opportunities.
Owen Consulting Inc. is highly qualified to serve as an independent third-party evaluator for government grants if required by the RFP. We are available to write evaluation sections for grants requiring independent evaluation.
Please note that the FEE-FOR SERVICE TERMS LISTED ABOVE ARE NON-NEGOTIABLE. We work very quickly and can begin a project immediately if your needs warrant and collaboration is a good fit. If this all works for you and your organization/company we can set up a time to talk further - please contact us to discuss.