Grant Writing FAQ

Owen Consulting Inc. can help you find and write competitive grants if your non-profit organization/ for-profit company is eligible for funding: 

  1. We've won numerous six, seven, and eight-figure, multi-year government grants and smaller foundation grants for our clients. Our team collectively has won over $450,000,000 in funding for clients. 

  2. We can pursue and respond to funding opportunities across the US / nationally, and internationally. 

  3. We can conduct prospect research to identify foundations / government funding opportunities that align with your organization's mission / products and services. Rates start at $4k for this service. 

  4. We can help you determine whether you're eligible and/or competitive for an RFP - we will not take on a grant writing project for which we don’t think your organization is competitive. 

  5. We can write foundation and/or government grants (City, State, Federal) if your organization/company is eligible for them. 

  6. We can take on all elements of a grant writing project or discrete pieces based on your needs and budget (Narrative, Budget, Budget Narrative, Submission on, etc.)

  7. We usually/prefer to bill by project, occasionally we will bill by the hour. WE DON’T WORK ON COMMISSION.

  8. For private foundations grants and letters of interest (LOI) our rates start at $2k but vary depending upon the grant/LOI. 

  9. For government grants our rates start at $7k but vary depending upon the RFP, deadline, and how much we’re doing / your organization is doing for the project. 

  10. Note that If you are a relatively new non-profit organization with volunteer staff and small capacity/ no track record yet we recommend you partner with a larger organization that can ‘incubate’ yours for a year or more before you pursue government funding opportunities. 

  11. Owen Consulting Inc. is highly qualified to serve as an independent third-party evaluator for government grants if required by the RFP. We are available to write evaluation sections for grants requiring independent evaluation.

Please note that the FEE-FOR SERVICE TERMS LISTED ABOVE ARE NON-NEGOTIABLE. We work very quickly and can begin a project immediately if your needs warrant and collaboration is a good fit. If this all works for you and your organization/company we can set up a time to talk further - please contact us to discuss.